The computer terms such as KB, MB, etc. can be slightly confusing for the PC Beginner. So, here's a little elaboration on these units.
The PC measures the size of the data in terms of its own units called bytes. The collection of these bytes is known as kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), etc. The detailed list of the units for size of data with their full-forms & size, for your understanding, is given below :
Acronym | Full Form | Size |
B | Byte | 1 byte |
KB | Kilo byte | 1 KB = 1,024 bytes |
MB | Mega byte | 1 MB = 1,024 KB |
GB | Giga byte | 1 GB = 1,024 MB |
TB | Tera byte | 1 TB = 1,024 GB |
PB | Peta byte | 1 PB = 1,024 TB |
EB | Exa byte | 1 EB = 1,024 PB |
ZB | Zetta byte | 1 ZB = 1,024 EB |
YB | Yotta byte | 1 YB = 1,024 ZB |
very interesting
Ok that's nice
Yo very good
All pc users must need to know this. thanks!
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