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System Informaton

The modern computer works with the help of several important hardwares & softwares. Generally, PC Beginners are unaware about the details of the hardwares/softwares on their computer. But sometimes, it becomes absolutely essential to know details of a particular software or hardware when it has some problems. It becomes a laborious task to find out all the details of all the hardwares/softwares, as one needs to navigate to different areas on the PC. That is why, to view System Information, we should use a System Information program, to check the details of the System in one place.

AusLogics System Information : This is probably the best tool available for viewing PC information which is free as well. It gives a comprehensive collection of the system information, presenting it in a very systematic & logical manner. All the information is arranged neatly in different pages, which can be navigated easily.

AusLogics System Information : Main Window(Click on the image to enlarge it)

Note : Screen shots used with permission from AusLogics.


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